Helpful Resources on
North Carolina Estate Planning
Creating an estate plan does not have to be difficult and expensive. Educate yourself on your options, discuss your unique situation with your attorney and we take care of the rest! Learn more from some the resources below.
Minor Child Protection Package
Make sure your minor children are safe and cared for in the event something happens. Estate Planning NC offers a FREE stand-alone guardian nomination as well as a more comprehensive protection package that includes a medical power of attorney for minors, exclusion affidavits if there is someone in your child's life that should never become a guardian, and fiduciary letters to the guardians you select so that they have the authority to step in immediately if and when they are needed.
Adult Care Plan
If you are caring for someone with an illness or facing one yourself, this FREE adult care plan can provide you with instructions to ensure your caregivers know your needs and wants.

Check out this weekly blog filled with educational articles specifically related to estate planning, elder law and guardianship in North Carolina.
Download this free e-book that explains the 7 Simple Steps you must take now to protect everything you own and everyone you love!